The Amazing Supply Chain of a Vinyl Record
All Things Supply Chain
SEPTEMBER 23, 2018
From 80’s gaming controls to Polaroid cameras, retro is all the rage.
All Things Supply Chain
SEPTEMBER 23, 2018
From 80’s gaming controls to Polaroid cameras, retro is all the rage.
DECEMBER 13, 2018
Join us at The 13th Annual Health Care Supply Chain Summit 2019. Ivalua is working with many Healthcare organisations such as Select Medical and Maxim Healtcare. We look forward to meeeting you at the event where we will be represented by Ty Levine, our Marketing Director for North America. Here’s a short video of our CEO & Founder, David Khuat-Duy, talking about what makes Ivalua special!
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Supply Chain Trend
APRIL 2, 2018
Sales and Operation Planning (S&OP) made it’s break through in the 80’s, when Material Requirement Planning (MRP) was the hottest planning methodology around, computer screens had monochrome green letters, our music and dress sense were questionable, and it was common for companies to have a command and control management style. With it roots in the supply chain, this S&OP 1.0 had a strong focus on supply chain performance like improving customer service, decrease inventory and drive ass
Supply Chain Collaborator
JUNE 22, 2018
“Companies Spent a Record $1.5 TRILLION on Shipping Costs in 2017” blares the headline from the Wall Street Journal Logistics Report article. Up a whopping 6.2% from the year before, shippers have been absorbing the costs of rising interest rates and labor costs, higher fuel costs, and soon, high tariffs on imported goods. The pace of cost increases is unsustainable.
Advertiser: GEP
2025 will feel familiar, in some regards. The procurement and supply chain category management landscape will remain turbulent, with geopolitical tensions, worries over fresh tariffs, rising costs, and supply chain disruptions posing significant challenges. But you should also expect some lightning-fast changes in 2025 as artificial intelligence continues to upend the way enterprises and procurement, supply chain, and category management professionals operate.
Supply Chain Game Changer
NOVEMBER 16, 2018
Subscribe Here! Email Address. Blog post originally published at Permission to publish provided by Ira Padilla. Check out How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Decision Making for Businesses! We are living in exciting and innovative times with futuristic technology literally at our fingertips. But for the longest time, small to medium sized businesses were not serviced by the latest tech trends enterprises have been able to benefit from.
Supply Chain Brain
DECEMBER 18, 2018
Whether it’s one-day, same-day or one-hour shipping, how can retailers fulfill delivery promises?
Purchasing & Procurement Zone brings together the best content for professionals in the purchasing and procurement field from the widest variety of thought leaders.
MARCH 26, 2018
?. One of the most common questions we receive is “We already have an ERP inventory module. Why do we need EazyStock?” Who could answer better than one of our customers who uses EazyStock with Dynamics NAV? “Through better inventory management, we’ve been able to support our stock management and procurement processes much better, which has even resulted in higher profits!
NOVEMBER 16, 2018
Claritum Article - Procurement Blog. Contents. Introduction. Step 1. Remove the noise. Step 2. Address Procurement Strategy. Step 3. Focus Procurement on supplier optimisation. Step 4. Don’t lose Procurement’s focus on costs. Step 5. Keep Procurement up to date. Summary. Introduction. Procurement is a complex multidisciplinary team activity that crosses all areas of the business.
The Network Effect
SEPTEMBER 27, 2018
Artificial Intelligence is already enhancing our lives as consumers, now it is picking up momentum in supply chain management and. The post 6 Ways AI is Impacting the Supply Chain appeared first on The Network Effect.
DECEMBER 13, 2018
Everywhere we turn, there is a constant buzz around new technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cognitive intelligence. These emerging trends are expected to revolutionize procurement. According to Supply Management, “Cognitive procurement will drive the Procurement profession forward” and early adopters may certainly gain a competitive advantage.
Advertiser: ZoomInfo
Incorporating generative AI (gen AI) into your sales process can speed up your wins through improved efficiency, personalized customer interactions, and better informed decision- making. Gen AI is a game changer for busy salespeople and can reduce time-consuming tasks, such as customer research, note-taking, and writing emails, and provide insightful data analysis and recommendations.
All Things Supply Chain
FEBRUARY 11, 2018
It’s that time of year: Cupid has his arrow at the ready; people are scrambling to get that perfect card, bunch of flowers, chocolates, presents or restaurant reservations to show…
DECEMBER 17, 2018
The Hackett Group and Ivalua have been working together for some months to assess the status of Digital Procurement transformation and lessons learned from early adopters. CPOs in many organisations have progressed beyond the planning stage, with Ivalua actively working with many of them and supporting their journey. The Hackett Group published this Report, State of Procurement Digital Transformation, Part 1: Value Drivers and Expectations in April 2018 and Lessons Learned by Early Adopters
Supply Chain Trend
AUGUST 5, 2018
In our household we love our Google Home. My girls use it continuously to play music, ask silly questions, jokes, do calculations and spell difficult words amongst other things. I use it to voice command my shopping list, set a timer and book meetings in my agenda. Speeking to and interacting with a little machine in my living room, that has the capacity to both understand and create communication, is a great example of how Artifical Intelligence has infiltrated our lives.
Supply Chain Collaborator
JULY 26, 2018
The data is not news to anyone involved in transportation logistics. Business logistics and transportation costs are rising at a quickening pace, especially for motor freight. The reasons are many – a driver shortage, the ELD mandate, the hot economy, trade wars and rising fuel costs. No matter what the reason, shippers must find ways to bend the cost curve for transportation logistics back downward amidst a very challenging environment.
In this webinar, supply chain industry experts share insights and best practices for enhancing supply chain efficiency, resilience and adaptability. Watch the webinar to learn strategies to develop supply chain maturity and save on costs. Delve into the stages of supply chain maturity, from foundational management to advanced optimization and innovation.
Supply Chain Game Changer
NOVEMBER 21, 2018
Subscribe Here! Email Address. Blog post originally published by Jason Rosing and Veridian at [link] Permission to publish provided by Jason Rosing. Over the last 100 plus years of the history of supply chain management has evolved from an initial focus on improving relatively simple, but very labor-intensive processes to the present day engineering and managing of extraordinarily complex global networks.
Supply Chain Brain
DECEMBER 26, 2018
The logistics industry has seen an incredible transition since this time last year, when trucking companies scrambled to comply with a new electronic logging device (ELD) mandate.
DECEMBER 17, 2018
Imagine you are the owner of a modest grocery store in your neighborhood. You know most of your customers in person and you do a pretty good job of fulfilling their demands. After a while, your hardwork pays off and now, you open three new branches in different neighborhoods. It is hard to stay on top of needs of four stores but thanks to more coffee and less sleep, you still rock.
JUNE 25, 2018
You’ve heard about robots in the warehouse and self-driving trucks, but automation is taking over even more areas in the supply chain. The most surprising? Inventory management. Automated inventory management is nothing new to huge, enterprise-sized companies. However, small- and mid-sized businesses have only recently been investing in this new automation for their inventory management – and many SMBs are still hesitant about investing in this new technology.
Speaker: Chris Townsend, VP of Product Marketing, Wellspring
Over the past decade, companies have embraced innovation with enthusiasm—Chief Innovation Officers have been hired, and in-house incubators, accelerators, and co-creation labs have been launched. CEOs have spoken with passion about “making everyone an innovator” and the need “to disrupt our own business.” But after years of experimentation, senior leaders are asking: Is this still just an experiment, or are we in it for the long haul?
NOVEMBER 30, 2018
There are many compelling reasons for international businesses to ensure that their global supply chains are free from ethically or environmentally questionable practices. Any company that’s serious about corporate social responsibility, and about the commitment of their customers to their brand, would be horrified to learn that forced laborers are assembling its products or that its palm oil supplier is clear-cutting rainforest to expand production.
The Network Effect
SEPTEMBER 12, 2018
How a Network can be Your Best Defense in the Face of Mother Nature’s Fury Hurricane Florence is currently bearing. The post Supply Chain Resilience: Surviving Hurricanes, Typhoons, Flooding and Heat Waves appeared first on The Network Effect.
NOVEMBER 20, 2018
If you’re like many Americans, you’re scrambling with last-minute preparations for the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday. Perhaps you’re just now thinking about the menu items, decorations and supplies you’ll need, the guest list and what side dishes everyone is bringing. To pull off Thanksgiving successfully, you need to rely on many people, hope the stores have plenty of inventory and trust your guests will arrive on time bringing their promised meal items.
All Things Supply Chain
APRIL 24, 2018
Supply Chain Transparency is a phrase that is continuously being thrown around; from an increasing amount of companies pledging to run more transparent supply chain operations to some companies receiving…
Speaker: Eric Berdinis, Ran Sun, & Chris Chmielewski
Procuring freight can be cumbersome, time-consuming, and error-prone. If you’re frustrated with the complex and manual processes for obtaining bids for your contract and spot freight, you’re not alone. In today’s fast-moving supply chain environment, optimizing these processes is critical to staying competitive and cutting costs. Join this exclusive webinar with experts from Uber Freight to learn how the latest digital tools and automation can transform your freight procurement strategy by strea
DECEMBER 19, 2018
PKP Energetyka, launched the implementation of Ivalua’s state-of-the-art Procurement and Sourcing solution with the participation of OptiBuy. Paris, France – 15 th January, 2019 – PKP Energetyka is a leader in the construction and maintenance of contact line systems as well as railway electrical power engineering in Poland. It has been operating since 2001 and belongs to one of the largest investment funds worldwide – CVC Capital Partners.
Supply Chain Trend
JUNE 23, 2018
In a bit of an attention-grabbing title – The Death of Supply Chain Management – some pretty well-established supply chain people got away in the Harvard Business Review with a sales pitch kind of article. The main premise of the article is that technology, digitalisation and will take over the supply chain and take peoples jobs. They talk about sensor data, digital control towers, real time data, robotics.
Supply Chain Collaborator
AUGUST 17, 2018
The spot market is a necessary evil for shippers and when capacity gets tight, shippers more frequently find themselves making deals with the spot market devil. After all, when it has to be there on time and lead time is already short, simply finding a carrier willing to move the freight at any price can seem like a win. But, it needn’t be that way.
Supply Chain Game Changer
NOVEMBER 24, 2018
Subscribe Here! Email Address. Check out What’s The Difference Between Logistics and Supply Chain Management? (Infographic). What is the difference between Logistics and Distribution? On the surface some people may consider them synonymous. Without consulting a dictionary both Logistics and Distribution suggest imagery involving the movement of goods.
Are fragmented control towers hindering your supply chain’s growth and response time? Attempting to manage disruptions through various departmental control towers with basic analytic overlays hinders agility and, ultimately, your resiliency. Today’s volatile landscape requires inherent visibility across your entire value chain and the ability to orchestrate course corrections within a unified platform.
Supply Chain Brain
DECEMBER 12, 2018
It's time for companies to move beyond the age of mass production and consumption — and design supply-chain processes that can serve a customer segment of one.
Supply Chain Minded
SEPTEMBER 14, 2018
As a warehouse manager, you would understand that handling warehouse operations are a massive task. One small mistake may affect the efficiency and productivity of the warehouse. You must continually implement measures to optimize various warehouse processes and improve the overall effectiveness of the operations involved. Apart from minimizing downtime and increasing productivity, it is essential to improve your supply chain.
OCTOBER 24, 2018
When most inventory/supply chain managers think of their inventory, they think of it in terms of inventory management: how can I get by till the next period? What will I need to order? Inventory management helps a company’s supply chain operations run smoothly, but inventory management often ends up being a time-consuming and frustrating endeavor for most managers.
OCTOBER 29, 2018
There’s nothing remotely “responsible” about how most Americans celebrate Halloween, starting with the grossly irresponsible amounts of candy we ingest on October 31st with the flimsy excuse that “it’s only once a year.” The chocolate and candy industry, however, has been working hard to up its game in terms of the environmental and social responsibility of its global supply chain, from supporting the livelihood of African cocoa farmers to zero-waste-to-landfill candy factories.
Speaker: Kevin Kai Wong, President of Emergent Energy Solutions
In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of sustainable energy optimization and decarbonization has become paramount. ♻️ Manufacturing corporations across the U.S. are facing the urgent need to align with decarbonization goals while enhancing efficiency and productivity. Unfortunately, the lack of comprehensive energy data poses a significant challenge for manufacturing managers striving to meet their targets. 📊 Join us for a practical webinar hosted by Kevin Kai Wong of Emergent Ene
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